ENG follows GER
Wegen Storno (Gäste leben im holländischen Risikogebiet) ist nun auch unsere Wohnung Ahrtelier ab 11. Oktober bis 7. November wieder frei geworden.
Bei Interesse gsenden Sie uns gerne eine Mail oder nutzen Sie unser Kontaktformular.
Weitere Infios zu unsrem Ferienappartement finden Sie hier.
Genießen Sie ein besonderes Stück Natur in einem Feriendomizil der besonderen A(h)rt!
Auch wenn die Weinfeste in den Weindörfern dieses Jahr ausfallen, es gibt viele wunderbare kleine Veranstaltungen im gesamten Ahrtal Weitere Infos hierzu finden Sie auch unter
Due to cancellation (guests live in the Dutch risk area) our flat Ahrtelier is now available from 11 October to 7 November. If interested please send us an E-Mail or use our contact form.
Even if the wine festivals in the wine villages are cancelled, there are many wonderful small events in the entire Ahr valley. For further information, please visit ahrtaler-weingaerten.
Further details on the holiday appartement: Arthelier
Enjoy a special piece of nature in a holiday home of the special A(h)rt!
Our holiday home Haus AhrGlück is situated in a quiet and sunny location on the edge of the wine village Rech in the beautiful Ahr valley, the gateway to the Eifel between Bonn and Koblenz. It
has just been renovated and is situated in the middle of a wonderful hiking paradise.
Our holiday home is completely fenced your dogs can move freely. In summer the terraces (each holiday home has its own terrace) offer people and dogs plenty of opportunity to spend their time
outside. For the winter, comfortably furnished rooms are nice to stay at.
Located directly in the forest on the Ahrsteig and Rotweinwanderweg, our house AhrGlück is an ideal starting point for hikes in the breathtaking nature of the Ahr valley.
The Ahr valley has its charm at any time and offers many beautiful places like Mayschoss, Dernau, Altenahr, Marienthal, Walporzheim and of course Bad Neuenahr and Ahrweiler as well as sights,
spectacular panoramas and many rustic ostrich taverns, restaurants, wineries and wine houses.
#ferienwohnung #lastminute #lastminuteurlaub #lastminuteholiday #ferienhaus #hausahrglück #urlaubmithund #urlaubindeutschland #urlaubinrheinlandpfalz #FerienmitHund #ulraub2020 #coronavirus
#coronavirus2020 #coronavirussucks #keinurlaubinholland #eifel #ahrtal #weindorfrech #wandern #holiday2020 #holidaywithdogs #dogfriendly #dogfriendlyholiday #keincoronarisikogebiet
#machdasbestedraus #holidaymood